- Minutes of Consistory, dated Oct12_1649 – oldest existing records of the congregation
- Congregation petitions Governor Nicolls, December 1664
- St. Matthew’s Charter, issued by Governor Richard Nicolls on December 6, 1664
- Passport for Martin Hoofman, issued by Governor Francis Lovelace on January 16, 1671
- Petition to Consistory in Amsterdam for a pastor (1653) – reference to delegation from Manhattan congregation sent to Consistory in 1648
- Pastor Ernest Goetwasser is thrown in jail by Governor Stuyvesant
- Letter from Manhattan congregation to Consistory in Holland – First Worship Service in Manhattan congregation – Feb 21, 1669
- Letter from Albany congregation to Consistory in Holland – First Worship Service in Albany congregation, April 25, 1669
- Albany congregation receives Charter for public worship – Sept 26, 1673
- Rev. Justus Falckner’s Ordination Certificate – dated November 24, 1703
- First page of ecclesiastical records begun by Pastor Justus Falckner as of 1703
- Certification of Voter Assembly to call Pastor William Geisenheiner to Christ Church (German congregation), dated Dec 26, 1822